EFM targets commercial forestland properties where financial value can be unlocked by monetizing social and ecological attributes. We seek to invest across the United States in climate-resilient regions with mature forest product infrastructure and diverse sources of conservation funding. We see a robust acquisition pipeline in our target geographies and are often contacted about specific assets that can benefit from diversified revenue streams and EFM management. Historically, assets have been identified through:
*Data-driven spatial analysis to locate parcels with characteristics that match our management strategy
*Referrals from long-term collaborators like conservation groups, government agencies and tribes who seek EFM’s presence in their region
*Relationships with private commercial timberland owners who understand EFM’s appetite and target characteristics and are selling assets
*Third-party marketing or auctions
EFM strives to diversify revenue in order to avoid relying on commodity markets. We also seek to reduce operating risk via FSC Certification. While developing carbon projects, we look to partner with voluntary buyers who will provide price and volume certainty in exchange for a steady stream of the highest quality, nature-based credits. For conservation easement funding, we look at both national programs for large scale funding as well as partnerships with local and regional groups like land trusts and government agencies. The value and probability of carbon and conservation project revenue is weighed alongside other property attributes like timber productivity, infrastructure and processing, fire risk, and disposition opportunities.
After acquiring a property, our forestry team designs a management plan to achieve a desired future condition of the forest that enhances timber stocks, while improving forest health, timber quality, and long-term timber production.
At the property level, EFM management oversees employees and regional forestry consultants that provide oversight and management services to execute the plan including planting, thinning, inventory, harvesting, hauling, maintenance and more.

At the end of our funds’ life, we sell appreciated properties with improved timber stocks, lower operating risk, turnkey carbon projects and permanent conservation attributes. In our Evergreen Fund, we hold properties long-term and seek sales opportunistically. EFM sees growing interest in forest assets among investors including institutions and entities striving for Net Zero. To date, EFM has sold 6 properties out of its Funds. Buyers have included tribes, conservation groups and state and federal agencies.